This $666 million project for Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) will rebuild and widen Interstate 35E south of downtown Dallas and widen U.S. 67 between I-35E and I-20 and the I-35E/U.S. 67 split.
With around 218,000 vehicles using the road per day, the project aims to decrease congestion, enhance travelling safety, support traffic operations, address roadway deficiencies and increase connectivity.
As an equity member of the Pegasus Link Constructors (PLC) joint venture with Fluor Corporation, we are responsible for the design and construction of the project that increases the capacity of 11 miles of roadway to meet the needs of road users and enhance road safety through rebuilding and smoothing out existing sharp curves and adding shoulders.
Scope of work
To complete the various works taking place, the project requires extensive earthwork, drainage, retaining wall construction and bridge and pavement improvements.

To widen the road, the team are expanding the I-35E from four to five general-purpose lanes in each direction while adding two reversible, non-tolled express lanes in the centre of the corridor. The express lanes will be useful for additional lanes in and out of the downtown area during peak travel times, which occur during morning and evening rush hour.
Similarly, the US.67 from I-35E to I-20 will also gain a third, general purpose lane in each direction. The existing high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane on US.67 will be rebuilt to provide a reversible, non-tolled express lane in the centre.
The project broke ground on February 2018 and is on schedule for completion in 2022.
million project
vehicles using the road a day
of roadway to be upgraded
Limiting impact
Initially, TxDOT anticipated acquiring over 12 acres of right-of-way but this was reduced to just 3.6 acres to limit the negative construction impacts to the local community. PLC and TxDOT also developed a phasing plan to keep construction progressing and traffic moving while carrying out utility relocations.
Community centred
PLC is also building the foundation of the Southern Gateway Park, a five-acre green space that will serve as a catalyst for economic development and community revitalisation. Once open, it will serve as another visual gateway into the city and as a gathering point for the local community and those visiting the Oak Cliff area of Dallas. Amenities are set to include a skate and recreation area, bike rental kiosks, open-air performance pavilion and a children’s garden.