Track Supplies
Our trusted experts provide track solutions for mainline, high-speed, light rail and metro systems to deliver a smooth and efficient rail service.
Dedicated to adding value to our customers’ projects, we offer a comprehensive range of services. This includes civil engineering design, new track construction, track renewal, track maintenance, optimisation of existing track alignment and the manufacturing of switch and crossing (S&C) units.
At the heart of our approach is meticulous stage-by-stage planning that guides us from early concept through to detailed design.
Involvement in the earliest stages of a project minimises delays, reduces additional costs and ensures designs are compatible with the operational railway from the start of the project.

Working with various design systems, we deliver:
- Plain line renewals
- Gauging analysis using ClearRoute
- Rail connections
- Rail lifting and slewing
- S&C renewals / abandonments
- Track removal / reinstatement associated with bridge renewal schemes
- Track alignments and gauging works associated with platform refurbishments and extensions
- Track enhancements
- Track renewals using the high output track relaying system