Creating a circular economy with Project Surplus
The original design for the B1189 footway and cycleway replacement scheme specified the use of gabion baskets for structural support. Working closely with our supply chain partners, customer and their materials lab, we developed an alternative solution that reused materials on-site and reduced costs.
The alternative solution seen the existing concrete footway recycled on-site, with the materials produced being used to provide structural support instead of the gabion baskets previously specified. This new approach removed the need to send waste arising from the removal of the footway to landfill.

Having adopted an ethos of using recycled materials where possible, the team also crushed waste kerbs and slabs from a previous project to create approximately 600 tonnes of aggregate that was used on the project.
As well as reducing waste going to landfill, recycling and reusing materials has reduced costs, with carbon emissions also being reduced and air quality improved by having less heavy good vehicles hauling materials to site.
kg of material diverted from landfill
kg of recycled material used from a previous project
Savings through reusing materials