Nature positive

Our commitment: protect and enhance the natural environment.

Through restoring and enhancing the natural environment, we’re creating the healthy ecosystems that are essential to the future prosperity of communities and economies across the world. These environments are vital to stabilising climates by providing natural solutions to capture and store carbon emissions.

As signatories to the Nature Positive Business Pledge, created by IEMA, UK Business and Biodiversity Forum, the RSPB, Aldersgate Group and ICC United Kingdom, we have committed to halting and reversing our impact on nature.

To do this we are implementing a biodiversity protection hierarchy which has three steps to help us manage our impact on nature as shown in the below diagram.

We are also undertaking work to gain a deeper understanding of the impacts that we have on nature across our value chain. As this work progresses and our understanding of what we need to do to halt and reverse nature loss matures, during 2025, we will set clear and measurable UK targets to halt nature loss. By 2030, we will be delivering our target to halt nature loss and by 2050, we will have embedded nature positive principles across our UK operations to support nature recovery.

Our targets


Our early progress in this area has been driven by our UK in-house team of ecology, biodiversity and arboriculture specialists. They have been working closely with our customers to survey, analyse risks and deliver mitigation strategies to protect and enhance biodiversity in and around projects we are delivering. Across all our UK SCAPE framework projects, we provide every customer with a report detailing project-specific feasible options and available measures to achieve biodiversity net gain on or off site.

In the US, we will initially focus on embedding the right processes and procedures to capture and understand our environmental impact and further embed a positive reporting culture for environmental incidents. This will mean we are able to learn from incidents and put in place the right training and safeguards to prevent future incidents to protect natural environments for generations to come.

¹ targets to be set in 2025