The construction and infrastructure industry has long been recognised as one which has a significant impact on the world; whether we’re building critical national infrastructure such as roads and railways or schools and hospitals at the heart of local communities.
We know that ours is an industry which can truly move the dial on the social and environmental agenda, globally. As we enter each community, we can shape far more than what is constructed within the walls of our hoardings and so we have a responsibility to act as a truly responsible and considerate neighbour by leaving a lasting positive legacy.
But to truly make a change, it requires the right strategy.
We’ve made great strides since 2009, guided by our Sustainability Blueprint, but we know we can do more. We can make our operations more sustainable, we can go beyond net zero carbon, we can generate zero waste, and we can create better communities for people to live in. That’s why we’ve launched our refreshed Sustainability Strategy aptly named "Building New Futures"
The 2040 Ambitions in our Sustainability Strategy focus on the areas we can make the biggest difference: the Environment, Materials and Communities, and are set for 2040 so that we have time to really embrace and integrate the right practices – recognising that a lot can change over this period of time. We also have 2030 targets to pave the way to the delivery of these ambitions.
We recognise the natural alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which are a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all; including Goal 8: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 11: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production and Goal 13: Climate Actions.
Our global strategy will address sustainability across our operations in the UK, the US and Hong Kong. We know that to deliver the strategy successfully we must take in to account local factors. That is why we are empowering our geographies with the flexibility to develop their own Sustainability Action Plan to achieve our Group Sustainability Ambitions. There are specific regional requirements within our businesses in the UK, US and Hong Kong and these plans will adhere to and recognise those nuances.
You can hear more about our ambitions and targets from my colleagues Bekir, Emma and Hans as they explore our focus in greater detail and the initiatives that we are already implementing to help us reach our 2040 ambitions.
With 26,000 employees, thousands more supply chain partners and countless more people we impact indirectly, we believe we can make a real change on a local and global scale.
This is a journey that is at the very heart of Balfour Beatty and, through the positive impact we can have, we hope to inspire current and future generations.
We must keep pushing ourselves, our customers and all those who work with and for us to embrace the changes that will result in a more sustainable future – because everyone has a part to play.
Becoming a truly sustainable business is absolutely one of our top priorities and I’m confident we’ll leave a lasting positive legacy.
Kari Sprostranova, Group Sustainability Director
Kari Sprostranova, Group Sustainability Director